Here is a fresh promotional idea for holiday services and campus launches - offering free Uber vouchers to anybody that needs a ride. This is incredible ROI because greater usage guarantees greater attendance.
We executed this promotional idea at Christ Fellowship Miami for our Doral campus grand opening. Not only did it get additional guests out, it also demonstrated God’s generosity to skeptical outsiders.
You can set aside as much money as you want for the promotional plan but are only charged for how many guests use it. Uber will give you that total a couple days after the promotion period is done. Because of privacy rights, they won’t share rider information. We also strongly suggest offering vouchers to AND from church. If not, you might be driving a bunch of guests home after the service.
We had to think through how to get these guests to church the following weekend cause providing free Uber vouchers every weekend is not a sustainable model. We encouraged them to join a team or small group right away so someone could pick them up the following weekend. This also got them plugged into a relationship, which strengthened their long term commitment to the church.
One concern we wrestled through was people potentially abusing these vouchers to get a free ride to one of our locations and then walking to a nearby attraction. But since we don’t have any major attractions within walking distance of our eight locations, this wasn’t a major concern.
Here is the copy on our website. Feel free to cut and paste if you find helpful. If you have suggestions on how to better maximize this promotional idea, I'm all ears.